260 593 2279 [email protected]

The “ Cascade “ seven station restroom trailer from Rich Specialty Trailers has one stall, three urinals, two sinks with vanity’s on the men’s side and three stalls, two sinks with a vanity on the women’s side.  This restroom trailer has a balanced floor plan that allows room for baby changing stations or full length wall mirrors.

When offered with a Ritz package the sinks become glamorous break proof vessel sinks with water conserving self closing faucets.   A rich dark cherry décor includes all hard ward trims and cabinet doors.  Interior stall doors 6 panel residential and the interior doors are lined to match the interior decors.

A low amp draw 10 year LED light package means no incandescent bulbs to change.  With a large waste holding tank of over 700 gallons of capacity this restroom trailer will handle you medium sized weddings and special event.

A winter package is available for year long rental use and a fresh tank of over 200 gallons can be located in the mechanical room.  More information can be found at www.RichRestrooms.com.